Convert Raw data to NWB Functions

Convert raw TDT Data to NWb Structure

convraw2nwb.convraw_tdt2nwb(tdt, varargin)

converts raw TDT data to nwb.acquisition

Example usage:

nwb = convraw_tdt2nwb(tdt, ‘nwb_in’, nwb, ‘animal’, ‘Barb’)

nwb = convraw_tdt2nwb(tdt)


tdt: tdt data extracted using TDTbin2mat(rawtdtpath), required

Name-Value (optional parameters):

‘nwb_in’: input an exist nwb, default [] create a new nwb

‘animal’: the animal data for this tdt, default ‘Barb’, don’t need if nwb_in exist


nwb —- nwb structure containing tdt information

Convert raw MA Data to NWb Structure

convraw2nwb.convraw_ma2nwb(rawancfile, rawtrcfile, varargin)

convraw_ma2nwb convert raw ma data in rawancfile and rawtrcfile to NWB.acquisition

Example usage:

rawancfile = ‘Y:Animals2BugRecordingRawrawMAMA20190111Bug_20190111_1.anc’;

rawtrcfile = ‘Y:Animals2BugRecordingRawrawMAMA20190111Bug_20190111_1_cleaned.trc’;

nwb = convraw_ma2nwb(rawancfile, rawtrcfile);


rawancfile(required) —- the ANC file containing MA data

rawtrcfile(required) —- the trc file containing MA data

Name-Value (optional parameters):

‘nwb_in’: input an exist nwb, default [] create a new nwb

‘identifier’: input an identifier, default ‘’ create an empty character string


nwb —- nwb structure containing ma .anc and .trc information

Convert raw gaitmat Data to NWb Structure

convraw2nwb.convraw_gaitmat2nwb(fsxfile, mapfilepath, equilibrationfile, calibrationfile, exportnwbtag, nwb)

convraw_gaitmat2nwb convert raw gaitmat data in rawgaitmatfile to NWB.acquisition

Can only be used in Windows as the SDK provided by Tekscan (gait mat company) requires .Net

Example usage:

fsxfile = ‘Y:\Animals2\Bug\Recording\Raw\Habit Trail\Gaitmat\20181128\CPB01.fsx’;

mapfilepath = ‘Y:\yll\NMRCNWB\gaitmatfiles’;

equilibrationfile = ‘Y:\yll\NMRCNWB\gaitmatfiles\CES-2016-12-09-7101QL-40PSI.equ’;

calibrationfile = ‘Y:\yll\NMRCNWB\gaitmatfiles\’;

nwb = convraw_gaitmat2nwb(fsxfile, mapfilepath, equilibrationfile, calibrationfile); or nwb = convraw_gaitmat2nwb(fsxfile, mapfilepath, equilibrationfile, calibrationfile, 1, nwb);


fsxfile —- the .fsx file

mapfilepath —- the folder containing the map file (.mp)

equilibrationfile —- the equilibration .equ file

calibrationfile —- the calibration .cal file

exportnwbtag —- tag for exporting nwb file (1) or not (default 0)

nwb —- exist nwb structure (if missing, will create a new nwb structure)


nwb —- nwb structure containing gait mat information