Convert Processed data to NWB Functions

Convert processed DeepLabCut(DLC) Data to NWb Structure

convprocessed2nwb.convprocessed_dlc2nwb(filepath, varargin)

converts processed xy dlc data to nwb

Example usage:

[nwb] = convprocessed_dlc2nwb(filepath, ‘identifier’, identifier)

[nwb] = convprocessed_dlc2nwb(filepath, ‘nwb_in’, nwb)

[nwb] = convprocessed_dlc2nwb(filepath, ‘nwb_in’, nwb, ‘identifier’, identifier)


filepath: processed dlc data using deep lab cut, required

Name-Value (optional parameters):

‘nwb_in’: input an exist nwb, default [] create a new nwb

‘identifier’: input an identifier, default ‘’ create an empty character string


nwb —- nwb structure containing processed xy position information

Variable names and the command to get them:

filepath: path of the file, can be obtained in jointsXY.description, stored as character

jointsXY: SpatialSeries object containing information from the file
NOTE: 1.camname is in the format of ‘camera-index’, it is in character form

2.each spatialseries object represents information from a single camera of the recording

DLCXYPosition: Position object that stores the SpatialSeries Objects named jointsXY
NOTE: 1.This position object contains a set of all spatialseries objects, each one of which represents one camera
2.To get the set of all spatialseries objects, use


3.To add another spatialseries to the spatialseries set inside the position object, use

nwb.processing.get(‘DLC_2D_XYpos’).nwbdatainterface.get(‘DLCXYPosition’).spatialseries.set(char(camname), jointsXY);

DLC_2D_mod: ProcessingModule object that contains a description and Position object named DLCXYPosition


Convert processed Eye Tracking Data to NWb Structure

convprocessed2nwb.convprocessed_eye2nwb(filepath, varargin)

converts raw eyetracking data to nwb.processing using a preprocessed module

Example usage:

[nwb] = convprocessed_eye2nwb(filepath, ‘identifier’, identifier)

[nwb] = convprocessed_eye2nwb(filepath, ‘nwb_in’, nwb)

[nwb] = convprocessed_eye2nwb(filepath, ‘nwb_in’, nwb, ‘identifier’, identifier)


filepath(required): filepath of the raw eyetracking data (txt file)

Name-Value (optional parameters):

‘nwb_in’: input an exist nwb, default [] create a new nwb

‘identifier’: input an identifier, default ‘’ create an empty character string


nwb —- nwb structure containing processed eyetracking data information

Variable names and the command to get them:

eyeTracking: SpatialSeries object containing processed eyetracking information from the txt file


EyeTrackingPos: Position object that stores the SpatialSeries Objects named eyeTracking


EyeTrackingInfo: ProcessingModule object that contains a description and Position object named EyeTrackingPos
