Read Processed from NWB Structure

Processed DeepLabCut(DLC) Read Function

readnwb.readnwb_processedDLCXY(nwb, cam_idx)

A function that takes in the nwb file and camera’s index and returns a table that contains the position table


nwb: an nwbfile object

cam_idx: the index of the camera, (eg.1,2,3)


posTable: a table that contains all position data with appropriate column names like “hand_x”, “elbow_y”, and “wrist_likelihood”

Processed Eye Tracking Data Read Function


A function that takes in the nwb file and returns a table that contains the eyetracking information table


nwb: an nwbfile object


EyeTrackingTable: a table that contains all eyetracking data in the nwb file